Canada Day 🧡

Canada Day. 

A chance to wear red and white, light off fireworks and gather with friends and family to celebrate our country with pride. 

Not this year. 

This year, and every year after, we need to put away the celebrations and truly reflect on what the world has slowly been discovering these past few weeks before we can celebrate this “great” land we live in. We need to listen to all of the indigenous community and learn what terrible mistakes were made, and how we as a country can help in any way possible move towards gaining the equality that should have been there many, many years ago. We can’t rewrite the wrongs that were made. Nothing will be able to change the mass genocide and treatment of an entire population. What we can change is how we see Canada today and move towards making this country what we all thought we knew and loved. 

Visit our website at for links on charities and information that we insist on you reading/donating to. Every step forward and every story heard can be the smallest change, but make such an impact for a better tomorrow 🧡. (Link is in our bio)



Native Womans Association of Canada
Oneida Language & Cultural Centre
Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto
Indspire (Education for First Nations/Mètis/Inuit Youth)

Genocide Against the Indigenous Peoples of Canada
Indigenous-Led Countermeasures to Pandemics
Indigenous Foundations
The Indigenous Foundation
Honour the Rights of Indigenous Peoples